music therapy and yoga meditation – health tips

music therapy and yoga meditation – health tips -daily yoga in life for increase efficiency. here listing great amount of things.

Music therapy provides our young patients with a unique source of comfort and strength.

What is music therapy for life :

music therapy is a wonderful option for children and teens in the hospital battling illnesses. Music therapy is a process in therapeutic meaner where a patient offer stress removal without world using of singing , playing and writing songs on her feeling.

Most preferable therapy are

  • Songs listening
  • Playing with art
  • Writing of feeling
  • Making song
  • Dancing with music

This great traditional health psychology practice uses the physical, emotional, mental, aesthetic and spiritual effects with music.

By using of this every age of person can release negative feelings and emotions in an effective and productive way.


Coping with a cancer diagnosis and going through cancer treatment is as much an emotional experience as a physical one. People with cancer often need different sources of support to take care of their emotional and spiritual well-being.

music therapy may also offer emotional benefits for people experiencing depression after receiving their cancer diagnosis, while they’re undergoing treatment, or even after remission

Music therapy has been shown to help reduce anxiety in people with cancer who are starting radiation treatments. It may also help them cope with the side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea

What types of health benefits of music therapy for meditation-daily yoga in life

Health benefits of music therapy can be a great daily stress life funda. there are some best types of music therapy which can increase meditation & some more powerful filling. According to specialist

1.Mental health benefits of music therapy for meditation:

Now a days a biggest problem of young people in the, frightening and terrifying experience with cancer in the life where music can release stress about the therapy and yoga meditation – health tips

Common effects of stress on your body

  • Headache
  • Muscle tension or pain
  • Chest pain
  • Fatigue
  • Upset stomach
  • Sleep problems

Common effects of stress on your mood

  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness
  • Lack of motivation or focus
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Irritability or anger
  • Sadness or depression

Common effects of stress on your behavior

  • Overeating or undereating
  • Angry outbursts
  • Social withdrawal

A single way of the best and powerful type for stress is music. Music is often linked to moods and certain songs can make individuals feel a variety of emotions from happy, calm, energetic or relaxed.

latest incredible use of music therapy comes from helping children post-surgery. A research study from Northwestern University and Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago found that listening to music and audiobooks is a viable alternative to medication for reducing post-surgery pain in children.

Some more types are in meditation is

  • Analytical music therapy
  • Benenzon music therapy
  • Community music therapy
  • Vocal psychotherapy
  • Nordoff-Robbins music therapy

2.Physical health benefits of music therapy for meditation:

.A best music therapy  can help to relieve pain and reduce stress and anxiety for the patient, resulting in physiological changes, including:

Using physical music give some effect like

  • Improved respiration
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improved cardiac output
  • Reduced heart rate
  • Relaxed muscle tension

The music therapy protocol is designed to perform several functions:

  • Direct attention away from pain or anxiety, distracting the listener with comforting music.
  • provide a musical stimulus for rhythmic breathing.
  • offer a rhythmic structure for systematic release of body tension.
  • condition a deep relaxation response.
  • change mood.
  • focus on positive thoughts and feelings and to celebrate life.”

music therapy vs. Sound Therapy

Music therapy and sound therapy (or sound healing) are distinctive, and each approach has its own goals, protocols, tools, and settings: 

  • Music therapy is a relatively new discipline, while sound therapy is based on ancient Tibetan cultural practices.
  • Sound therapy uses tools to achieve specific sound frequencies, while music therapy focuses on addressing symptoms like stress and pain.  
  • The training and certifications that exist for sound therapy are not as standardized as those for music therapists.
  • Music therapists often work in hospitals, substance abuse treatment centers, or private practices, while sound therapists may offer their service as a component of complementary or alternative medicine.

Six Proven Benefits of music therapy

Jillian Levy (2017) shares the six major health benefits of music therapy:

  1. Music therapy reduces anxiety and physical effects of stress
  2. It improves healing
  3. It can help manage Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease
  4. Music therapy reduces depression and other symptoms in the elderly
  5. It helps to reduce symptoms of psychological disorders including schizophrenia
  6. Music therapy improves self-expression and communication.

3 Ideas of benefits of music therapy for Kids

1. Leader of the band (Fandom, n.d.).

The therapist can sing a little song about who’s turn it is to be the ‘leader of the band’. Demonstrate to the group appropriate directions (such as “start”, “stop”, “LOUD”, “fast”, “slooooow”) or anything that the group will understand.

You may choose a child who is cooperating and listening to directions to be the leader. Children are highly reinforced for their behavior when they get to have a turn in communicating their preferred directions to the whole group.

2. “The Hello Song” from Dragon Tales (Fandom, n.d.).

This song, based on simple chords, is a suitable ‘hello’ song for children under 8 years of age. It brings together social skills, interactive responses and allows an opportunity to greet each child individually. This activity also incorporates vocal and musical opposites such as “high” and “low” and “fast” and “slow”.

4. ‘Music bingo’ (Fandom, n.d.)

Create bingo sheets for children that use songs instead of letters and numbers.

10 health benefits of music therapy for meditation Activities for Adults:

  1. Improvisation
  2. Singing well-known songs
  3. Vibroacoustic therapy
  4. Stress-reduction techniques
  5. Music and movement
  6. Folk dancing or social dancing
  7. Vibrotactile stimulation
  8. Music reminiscence
  9. Music stimulation
  10. Songwriting

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