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daily healthy lifestyle routine tips by yoga food & exercise :

For making good healthy lifestyle of body must follow daily routine tips by using yoga food & exercise.

Today, you’ll learn more about why setting a routine can be a challenge. By understanding the root causes of your behaviors, you’ll learn how to make changes and stick with them.

Best daily healthy lifestyle routine tips :

1.Day start with glass of lemon water :

benefits : it reduces reduces your body’s acidity levels, which, in turn, protects  against diseases.

2. Yoga & Exercise tips :

benefits : this daily routine tips increases cardio and weights throughout the week for all-over toning and general health.

3. Good breakfast eating :

4. Keep body full with water & sugar :

benefits : increases mood & mind focus in healthy life.

5. take vitamin -D from sun :

benefits : The sun is essential to our health, strength, peace of mind and even our survival.

6. Lunch by healthy food :

benefits : best lunch time & best food give lot of energy in daily lifestyle routine.

7. Do Some Mid-Afternoon Stretches :

benefits : relax from workforce & sharp mind to reduce lethargy.

8. Dinner on time :

benefits : light food increases efficiency.

9. Go for walk :

benefits : it increases digestion system & give calm sleep at night.

10. Go to Sleep at a Reasonable Hour :

benefits : using better sleep & hourly increases immunity system & reduce tiredness for next day.

These are the most useful daily healthy lifestyle routine tips for everyone by using of yoga food & exercise.

Daily healthy lifestyle tips of Mind by yoga food & exercise :

1. Meditation : This is one of my favorite ways to keep my mind calm and peaceful. I have a very anxious mind, and I get frustrated by way too many things around me. Meditation is the thing that keeps me calm when I need to be calm, and it helps me think before I say something that might hurt the people around me. If you’re with a fire-personality – meditation is your water for that fire.

2.Relaxing music : You could listen to it while cooking, working, meditation or even sleeping. 

3.Read : Yes, it’s great for your mind!

4.Play games that challenge your mind : It’s the simplest way to wake up my brain so early in the day. It stimulates the problem-solving way of thinking, and it improves your ability to focus on one thing. 

5.Learn a new language :  Every new language you know is a powerful way to communicate with a large part of people around the world.

6.Laugh more : For a better mood, for brighter skin, for glowing eyes, for a healthy digestive system, for staying motivated and positive towards others and the world around you – smile. Laugh. More.

According to Ayurveda to maintain daily life :

Other healthy lifestyle of ideas & tips by using yoga food & exercise :

Here are some excellent ideas to get you started:

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